Delphi Url编码和解码



uses    IdURI; .. begin    S := TIdURI.URLEncode(str); //    S := TIdURI.URLDecode(str); end;


Uses   NetEncoding; function URLEncode(const s : string) : string; begin   result := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(s); end


function EncodeURIComponent(const ASrc: string): UTF8String; const HexMap: UTF8String = '0123456789ABCDEF'; function IsSafeChar(ch: Integer): Boolean; begin if (ch >= 48) and (ch <= 57) then Result := True // 0-9 else if (ch >= 65) and (ch <= 90) then Result := True // A-Z else if (ch >= 97) and (ch <= 122) then Result := True // a-z else if (ch = 33) then Result := True // ! else if (ch >= 39) and (ch <= 42) then Result := True // '()* else if (ch >= 45) and (ch <= 46) then Result := True // -. else if (ch = 95) then Result := True // _ else if (ch = 126) then Result := True // ~ else Result := False; end; var I, J: Integer; ASrcUTF8: UTF8String; begin Result := ''; {Do not Localize} ASrcUTF8 := UTF8Encode(ASrc); // UTF8Encode call not strictly necessary but // prevents implicit conversion warning I := 1; J := 1; SetLength(Result, Length(ASrcUTF8) * 3); // space to %xx encode every byte while I <= Length(ASrcUTF8) do begin if IsSafeChar(Ord(ASrcUTF8[I])) then begin Result[J] := ASrcUTF8[I]; Inc(J); end else if ASrcUTF8[I] = ' ' then begin Result[J] := '+'; Inc(J); end else begin Result[J] := '%'; Result[J+1] := HexMap[(Ord(ASrcUTF8[I]) shr 4) + 1]; Result[J+2] := HexMap[(Ord(ASrcUTF8[I]) and 15) + 1]; Inc(J,3); end; Inc(I); end; SetLength(Result, J-1); end;
